Graphtec GL240

Data logger low-cost cu 10 canale multifuncționale izolate
Are 10 intrări analogice diferențiale și 4 intrări digitale pentru numărare de impulsuri.Stocare date: memorie internă Flash sau port SD Card.
Livrare din stoc

Data Logger low-cost pentru măsurarea simultană pe 10 canale a temperaturii, umidităţii, tensiunilor sau a oricărei mărimi fizice de la un senzor cu ieşire în tensiune.
Folosit în aplicaţii de laborator sau industriale la înregistrarea datelor pe intervale de timp variate (minute - săptămâni):

•     Testarea produselor: monitorizarea mărimilor de interes în timpul testelor de control al calității și verificare funcțională.
•   Cercetare / proiectare / certificare produse sau metode: înregistrarea parametrilor în instalații experimentale și în laboratoarele de cercetare.
•     Controlul condiţiilor de microclimat în hale, depozite, sere, camere de germinare, camere curate.
•    Calificarea OQ/PQ pentru camere climatice, testarea motoarelor termice, studiul conductivităţii termice al materialelor, testarea încălzirii echipamentelor electronice etc.
•     Înregistrarea evoluţiei mărimilor de proces în industrie.

Poate funcționa autonom – acumulatorul intern asigură o autonomie de aprox. 5 ore.

Caracteristici notabile:
           •    izolare “fail-safe” între canale,
           •    înregistrarea datelor în memoria internă Flash 4GB, pe SD Card extern (max 32 GB),
           •    praguri de alarmare programabile pe fiecare canal în parte,
           •    4 intrări digitale separate pentru măsurarea turaţiei/numărului de impulsuri
           •    afişaj LCD color, interfaţă grafică prietenoasă,
           •    interfața opțională Wireless LAN (B-568) permite comunicația cu alte dispositive.


All channel Isolated/Universal input, Standalone Multi-Channel

Its compact size contains an isolated input system which ensures that signals are not corrupted by inputs to other channels, thus eliminating wiring concerns. The GL240s multi-type inputs are suitable for voltage, temperature, humidity, pulse, and logic signals, enabling combined measurements of different phenomena like temperature/humidity and voltage.

Voltage 20 mV - 100 V , 1-5 V/F.S.


Type: K, J, E, T, R, S, B, N, and W (WRe5-26)


0 to 100% RH- using the humidity sensor (option B-530)


4ch Rotation count (RPM), Accumulating count, Instant count

Logic 4ch

Maximum sampling interval of up to 10ms

Provides faster sampling rates for voltage measurements. Up to 10ms sampling speed is achievable when limiting the number of channels in use.

Sampling Interval

10ms 20ms 50ms 100ms

Number of channel

1 2 5 10




- - -

Built-in 4GB Flash memory with SD card support

The new GL series enables reliable long term measurment with its built-in 4GB flash memory and SD card slot for external storage devices. The SD card slot supports an SDHC memory card of up to 32GB.

The captured data can be stored in GBD (Graphtec binary data) or CSV file format.


10ms 50ms 100ms 200ms 500ms 1s 10s

GBD format

41 days

88 days

103 days

207 days

Over 365

Over 365 Over 365

CSV format

3 days 11 days 16 days

36 days

91 days

182 days

Over 365

*Figures are approximate. File size of captured data is 2GB in GBD or CSV file format on this chart.

Sampling interval is limited by the number of channels in use.(10ms:1ch, 50ms:5ch, 100ms:10ch)


Ring capture function

 The most recent data is saved when the memory is configured in ring memory mode. (Number of capturing data is 1000 to 2000000 points)

Relay capture function

 Data is continuously saved to multiple files up to 2GB without losing any data until capturing is stopped when the memory is configured in the relay mode.

Hot-swapping the SD memory card

 SD card can be replaced during data capturing when the sampling interval is 100ms or slower.

Displays the data by a bar chart (in firmware ver.1.10 or later)

The integrated data that is measured by the digital sensors can be displayed by a bar chart in the GL240 series.

Available GS sensors Measurement Unit
GS-TH (Temp/Humidity) sensor Integrated temperature ℃h
GS-DPA-AC adapter with GS-Acxxx sensor (AC current/power) Integrated power kWh
GS-LXUV (Illuminance/UV) sensor Integrated illuminance lxh or klxh
Integrated UV mW/cm2h

Alarm output function

 Alarm signals can be placed using the four channel alarm output ports based on set conditions for each channel.
* Optional cable (B-513) is required.

USB drive mode

 USB drive mode function enables data to be transferred to the PC from GL240 by drag&drop feature.


Easy-to-read 4.3-inch wide color LCD

 Carries a clear 4.3-inch wide TFT color LCD screen (WQVGA:480×272 dot)for the GL240. Monitoring data are displayed in waveform or digital form option. Parameter settings can be displayed on the screen.

3 Types of power source

 Choose from AC power supply, DC supply* or the rechargeable battery pack.*
* Optional accessories (B-514 or B-569) are required.

Networking features

 Various functions are available using a network. Web & FTP server function, FTP client function, NTP client function

*The GL240 needs to be connected to a LAN enviroment using the available WLAN ports for above functions.

Match Functions for Scaling
 Math Functions are available for scaled input from sensors and transducers with VDC scaled output or 4-20mA current loop.

GL240 Main unit specifications

Item Description
Number of analog input channels 10 channels
External input/
output *1
Input *2 Trigger or Sampling (1 channel), Logic/Pulse (4 channels)
Output *3 Alarm (4 channels)
Sampling interval 10 ms to 1 hour (10ms to 50ms: voltage only) *4, External signal
Time scale of waveform display 1sec. to 24 hour /division
Alarm function
Trigger action Start or stop capturing data by the trigger
Repeat action Off, On (auto rearmed)
Trigger source Start: Off, Measured signal, Alarm, External, Clock, Week or Time
Stop: Off, Measured signal, Alarm, External, Clock, Week or Time
Condition Setting Combination: OR or AND
Analog signal: Rising (High), Falling (Low), Window-in, Window-out
Logic signal: Pattern (combination of each input signal in high or low)
Pulse (number of count): Rising (High), Falling (Low), Window-in, Window-out
Alarm output Outputs a signal when alarm condition occurs in the input signal *5
Pulse input
Rotation count
Counts the number of pulses per sampling interval and converts to rpm
(rotations per minute), Number of pulses for one rotation may be set to
50, 500, 5000, 50k, 500k, 5M, 50M, 500M rpm/F.S. (rpm./Full Scale)
Accumulates the number of pulses from the start of measurement
50, 500, 5000, 50k, 500k, 5M, 50M, 500M C/F.S. (Counts/Full Scale)
Instant count Counts the number of pulses per sampling interval
50, 500, 5000, 50k, 500k, 5M, 50M, 500M C/F.S. (Counts/Full Scale)
Between channels Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division for analog input
Statistical Select two calculations from Average, Peak, Maximum, Minimum, RMS
Search function Search for analog signal levels, values of logic or pulse or alarm point
in captured data
Interface to PC USB (Hi-speed), WLAN (using B-568 option)
Internal Built-in 4GB Flash Memory *6
External One SD card slot (Support SDHC memory card, up to 32GB) *7
Saved contents Captured data, Setting conditions, Screen copy
Capturing mode Mode: Normal, Ring, Relay
Ring: Saves most recent data (Number of captured data: 1000 to 2000000 points) *8
Relay: Saves data to multiple files without losing data until data capturing is stopped
Replay Data Replays captured data that was saved in the GL240 (in GBD or CSV format)
Scaling (Engineering unit) function Measured value can be converted to the specified engineering unit
• Analog voltage: Converts using four reference points (gain, offset)
• Temperature: Converts using two reference points (offset)
• Pulse count: Converts using two reference points (gain)
Action during data capture • Displaying parst data (using dual display mode (Current + Past data))
• Hot-swapping the SD memory card
• Saving data in between cursors
Display Size 4.3-inch TFT color LCD (WQVGA: 480 x 272 dots)
Language English, French, German, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Japanese
Information *9 Waveform in Y-T with digital values, Waveform only, Digital value, Digital values
and statistics values
Operating environment 0 to 45 ºC, 5 to 85 % RH (non condensed)
(When operating with battery pack 0 to 40 ºC, charging battery 15 to 35 ºC)
Power source AC adapter 100 to 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz (1 pc of adapter is attached as standard accessory)
DC power 8.5 to 24 V DC (DC drive cable (option B-514) is required)
Battery pack Mountable battery pack (battery pack (option B-569): 7.2V DC, 2900mAh)
Power consumption *10 Max. 36 VA
External dimensions (W x D x H) Approx.188 x 117 x 42 mm (Excluding projections)
Weight *11 500 g
*1 Input/Output cable for GL (option B-513) is required to connect the signal.
*2 Input signal;
  • Voltage range: Up to 24V (common ground)
  • Signal type: Voltage, Open collector, Contact (relay)
  • Threshold: Approx. + 2.5 V (Hysteresis: Approx. 0.5V (2.5V to 3V))

*3 Output signal: Open collector (pull-up to 5V by 10kΩ resistor)
  • Voltage: Max. 30V
  • Current: Max. 0.5A
  • Collector dissipation: Max. 0.2W

*4 Minimum interval varies by number of channels used.
*5 Output port can be specified in each input channel.
*6 The built-in Flash memory is available for units with serial numbers C6043XXX or later. Please contact your local representative for more information.
*7 SD memory card cannot be used on SD card slot while the wireless LAN unit (opton B-568) is used.
*8 Size of the capture data will be limited to 1/3 of available memory.
*9 Display mode is switched every time the dedicated key is pressed. In magnified digital value mode, the displayed channel number can be specified. In the waveform display mode, the changing of the time scale will be effective from the point of the next displayed data.
*10 Rating under maximum power consumption using the AC adapter, with LCD display on, and battery pack being
*11 Excludes AC adapter and battery pack.

Software specifications for PC

Item Description
Model name GL100_240_840-APS
Supported OS Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista (32/64-bit edition)
Supported device GL840 (USB, Ethernet, WLAN), GL240 (USB, WLAN), GL100 (USB, WLAN)
Functions Control the GL series, Real-time data capture, Replay data, and Data format conversion
Supported units & channels Up to 1000 channels total, Up to 4 groups (number of units is limited by model)
Settings control Input condition, Captuering condition, Trigger/Alarm condition, Report, etc.
Capturing data Saved to PC Saves captured data in real time (in GBD binary or CSV format)
Saved to GL unit Saves to the SD memory card (in GBD binary or CSV format)
Displayed information Y-T waveform, Digital values, Report, X-Y graph (specified period of data, data reply only),
Two displays for the current and past data, and Statistical calculation
File operation Converting data format to CSV from GBD binary, merge multiple data files
in the time axis or as an additional channel
Warning function Send e-mail to the specified address when the alarms occur
Statistical calculation Maximum, Minimum, and Avarage during data capturing
Report function Creates the daily or monthly report automatically

Software specifications for Smart device

Item Description
Model name GL-Connect
Supported OS Android 4.1 to 6.0, iOS 7/8/9 (up to 9.3.4)
Supported device GL840 (WLAN), GL240 (WLAN), GL100 (WLAN)
Functions Control the GL series, Display measured data in waveform or digital value
Supported units Up to 10 units
Settings control Start/Stop, Sampling interval
Capturing data Saves captured data in the GL main body (data cannot be saved in the smart device)
Displayed information Data captured in real time by digital value, Replay the data stored in the GL body by the waveform

Wireless LAN unit (option) specifications

Item Description
Model number B-568
Supported GL series GL840, GL240
Communication method Wireless communication (using radio waves in the 2.4GHz band)
Supported WLAN system IEEE802.11b/g/n
WPS: Push button or PIN method
Security protocols: WEP64, WEP128, WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK, AKIP/AES
Communication distance: Approx. 40m (depending on the conditions of radio
Installed location Attaches to the SD card slot on GL840 / GL240 *7
Function Access Point mode: Communicate with the GL100-WL as a remote sensor
(captured data in the GL100-WL is transferred to GL840/GL240)
Station mode: Communicate with PC or Smart device (control GL840/GL240 and
transfer the data from GL840/GL240)
Connected number of GL100-WL GL840: Up to 5 units of the GL100-WL
GL240: 1 unit of the GL100-WL

GL240 Analog input specifications

Item Description
Input method All channels isolated balanced input *12, Scans channels for sampling
Type of input terminal Screw terminal (M3 screw)
Voltage 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 mV, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 V, and 1-5V F.S. (Full Scale)
Thermocouple Type: K, J, E, T, R, S, B, N, and W (WRe5-26)
Humidity 0 to 100 % RH - using the humidity sensor (option B-530)
Filter Off, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40 (moving average in selected number)
accuracy *13
Voltage ± 0.1% of F.S. (Full Scale)
Type Measurement range
(TS: Temp Sense)
Measurement accuracy
R 0 ≤ TS ≤ 100 ºC ± 5.2 ºC
100 < TS ≤ 300 ºC ± 3.0 ºC
300 < TS ≤ 1600 ºC ± (0.05% of rdg. + 2.0 ºC)
S 0 ≤ TS ≤ 100 ºC ± 5.2 ºC
100 < TS ≤ 300 ºC ± 3.0 ºC
300 < TS ≤ 1760 ºC ± (0.05% of rdg. + 2.0 ºC)
B 400 ≤ TS ≤ 600 ºC ± 3.5 ºC
600 < TS ≤ 1820 ºC ± (0.05% of rdg. + 2.0 ºC)
K -200 ≤ TS ≤ -100 ºC ± (0.05% of rdg. + 2.0 ºC)
-100 < TS ≤ 1370 ºC ± (0.05% of rdg. + 1.0 ºC)
E -200 ≤ TS ≤ -100 ºC ± (0.05% of rdg. + 2.0 ºC)
-100 < TS ≤ 800 ºC ± (0.05% of rdg. + 1.0 ºC)
T -200 ≤ TS ≤ -100 ºC ± (0.1% of rdg. + 1.5 ºC)
-100 < TS ≤ 400 ºC ± (0.1% of rdg. + 0.5 ºC)
J -200 ≤ TS ≤ -100 ºC ± 2.7 ºC
-100 < TS ≤ 100 ºC ± 1.7 ºC
100 < TS ≤ 1100 ºC ± (0.05% of rdg. + 1.0 ºC)
N -200 ≤ TS < 0 ºC ± (0.1% of rdg. + 2.0 ºC)
0 ≤ TS ≤ 1300 ºC ± (0.1% of rdg. + 1.0 ºC)
W 0 ≤ TS ≤ 2000 ºC ± (0.1% of rdg. + 1.5 ºC)
R.J.C. ± 0.5 ºC
A/D converter Sigma-Delta type, 16 bits (effective resolution: 1/40000 of the measuring full range)
input voltage
(+) / (-) terminal
20 mV to 1 V range: 60 Vp-p,
2 V to 100 V range: 110 Vp-p
Channels ((-) / (-)) 60 Vp-p
Channel / GND 60 Vp-p
Max. voltage
Between channels 350 Vp-p (1 minute)
Channel / GND 350 Vp-p (1 minute)
*12 The terminal "b" for using the RTD is connected each other across all channels.
*13 Subject to the following conditions:
  • Room temperature is 23 oC ± 5 oC.
  • When 30 minutes or more have elapsed after power was turned on.
  • Filter is set to 10.
  • Sampling rate is set to 1 sec, using 10-channel.
  • GND terminal is connected to ground.

*14 Wire size of thermocouple used is 0.32mm diameter in the T or K type and 0.65mm diameter in other types.
Caracteristici tehnice
Număr de intrări analogice 10 canale
Domenii de măsură tensiune +/- 20, 50, 100, 500 mV
+/- 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 V
Domenii de măsură temperatură Termocupluri: K, J, E, T, R, S, B, N, W (WRe5-26)
Domenii de măsură umiditate 0 ÷ 100% (conversie din tensiune 0-1 V)
Precizie achiziţie Conversie ADC pe 16 biti, cu filtrarea soft a semnalului de intrare prin metode statistice
Viteza achizitie (sample rate) - max. 100 samples/s pentru tensiuni/curenti (rata de esantionare depinde de numarul de canale folosite),
- max. 10 samples/s pentru temperatura, simultan pe toate canalele
Memorie internă Memorie Flash 2 GByte (aprox. 97 zile la viteza de înregistrare de 10 samples / sec.)
Impedanta intrare 1 MΩ ± 5%
Tensiune max. pe orice intrare analogică 60 Vpp
Display LCD 4,3”color, WQVGA (480 x 272 pixeli)
Moduri de afişare pe display - Grafic de valori + tabel de valori numerice (modul implicit)
- Numai grafic de valori
- Numai tabel (dimensiuni mari pt. a fi văzute la distanţă)
Intrări digitale 1 intrare cu posibilitate de numărare impulsuri (PULSE)
1 intrare digitală (LOGIC)
1 intrare digitală pt. triggerare (EXT TRIGG)
Domeniu de măsură impulsuri (turaţie) 50, 500, 5000, 50k, 500k, 5M, 50M, 500M imp./sec. (rpm)
Ieşirea de alarmă Cu colector în gol (rezistenta pull-up 100kΩ, activă la depăşirea valorilor: High, Low, Window In, Window Out.
Calcule statistice Valoare medie, de vârf, maximă, minimă, RMS
Interfaţa PC USB
Măsurare mărimi neelectrice Pentru senzori cu ieşire în tensiune/curent. Scalare arbitrară pe fiecare intrare cu definirea mărimii ce se măsoară, conversie liniară şi calibrare în două puncte. Înregistrarea se face direct în valori ale mărimii respective
Condiţii de mediu 0 ÷ 40 ºC, 30 ÷ 80% RH
Alimentare Adaptor reţea: 100 ÷ 240 Vca, 50/60 Hz
Intrarea c.c: 8,5 ÷ 24 Vcc
Acumulatori (optional): 7,4 Vcc (2200 mAh)
Putere absorbită Maxim 28 VA (în c.a.)
Dimensiuni externe 194 x 122 x 41 mm
Greutate 480 g (exclusiv adaptorul de reţea si setul de acumulatori)
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